Become a practitioner

Become a practitioner

 Professional Feldenkrais Training Brussels 2019-2022:

Professional Feldenkrais Trainings are given worldwide. A Professional Training Programme consists of 800 in-class hours, spread over 3 or 4 years. Each year is split into three or four intensive classes of 5 to 20 days each.

To ensure the homogeneity of the various professional training programmes and to be able to provide a diploma with international recognition, the content, duration and organization of the Training must meet certain criteria. In Europe, the Training must meet the criteria set forth by the EuroTAB, a Feldenkrais certification body that ensures that these criteria are met. Every Training is provided in part by the Educational Director and his/her team, and in part by invited Trainers. This allows the student to experience the richness of the Method and gives various perspectives on the fundamental principles and how to apply them. The basis of this Training is the practice of ATM, Awareness Through Movement. This experiential approach gives the students a thorough understanding of the Method while developing their own physical sensitivity and a precise understanding of how they make their own movements.

The students first do ATM themselves and then discussed and analyse the lessons in small groups. Afterwards, the students, who are fresh from their own experience of the movements, observe the movements of others and eventually learn how to give ATM classes themselves. After the second year of the Training, the students are certified to teach ATM. The practice of FI (Functional Integration) is gradually added and refined. A supervised practicum is part of the Training.

During this four-year Training, the students are regularly exposed to the various areas of study that form the basis of the Method: from mechanical physics to neurophysiology and biomechanics to child development, psychology, etc. During the professional training programme, each student receives a number of FI lessons who are given by the Trainer and his or her Assistant Trainers.

The Training programme can lead to the practice of the Feldenkrais Method itself (teaching ATM and FI) or can contribute to development and enrichment of all possible professions.

Professional Training Programmes

Click here for a list of Feldenkrais Training Programmes in Europe and Israel: